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Í>' c P S º ># \ S º. >Ú>à>Üfþ3ã Ü/²>ãfþ fh 1 p1ß"@2ah '¨>à 3ã h f¸>ÿ?. H) The sample minimum min(n) = Y(1) (46) and the observed min y(1) is the smallest value of the observed data Example 42 Usually the term “observed” is dropped Hence below “data” is “observed data”, “observed order statistics” is “order statistics”.
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K / b ¡&à æ/²* b ¶ ¡ 0 S b º v ¥ * G @ m M Title îcÍ 03ãcJ ä 3t3 xls Author Created Date 4/30/21 AM. FôG FÛG G=GxGYGQG=F· ¥ ¶ ¸ \ /²>Þ>Ü>Þ>Ý º>á v 0Ç$ª&É% v !F È 5 u Title 2105_ eÅS;hxlsx Author Gairai Created Date. >Ú>à>Ý lg >à>Þfþ3ã Ü/²>ãfþ fh >ÿ?.
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1412 Show that a subset W of a vector space V is a subspace if and only if Span(W) = W Suppose rst that Span(W) = W Then by Theorem 15 Span(W) is a. 2 6 Since u(x,y)=x2 y2,v(x,y) = 0, the CauchyRiemann equations are satisfied atx= y= 0, butnowhereelseTheresultfollowsfrom(142)andProblem4. !º & º c ü "K"T"L â < L o !.
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