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Title Microsoft Word BOZZA_Comunicato I semestre 19docx Author francesco Created Date 9/10/19 PM. ²°°³ ÓÑU ¯ WOLM² «Ë q¹uL² « ¸ ¶ ´ ² ¶ ´ ³ ². · I wonder if you are not thinking of the "Lambert W function" W(x) is defined as the inverse of the function f(x)= xe x If ln(x) x= 10, then, taking the exponential of each side, e ln(x) x = xe x = e 10 x= W(e 10) Of course, the only way to evaluate that is to do some kind of numerical approximation as others have said,.
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P(k) = P(X = k) given by p(1) = p, p(0) = 1−p, p(k) = 0, otherwise Thus X only takes on the values 1 (success) or 0 (failure) A simple computation yields E(X) = p Var(X) = p(1−p) M(s) = pes 1−p Bernoulli rvs arise naturally as the indicator function, X = I{A}, of an event A, where I{A} def= ˆ 1, if the event A occurs;. X c P X ^ O t B V Y PC8000M ʎd E { s r ` b N ŐV ̒ d S v L X ^ y E N ۏؕt E ԁE L A R ێd l z U V Z ` ^ E E E U V ~ S P ~ Q V @ T D W L e ʖ U P b g i S ` V p ɍœK j ( ̌덷 ͂ B T C Y ̓L X ^ ܂T C Y ł B) t J C i t b g S փL X ^ I g ^ n h i K L n h J { R e B O l T C Y v g t p x g E ی J o E n K t J. X e B u E \ C V B Real Speaking i A X s L O j p b 閧 I @.
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Title Microsoft Word Notki bio_21docx. î ì î ì l ì ñ l í ò ñ W í ì W ñ ò WD 'Dd = ñ W ï ì í X ó î = ì ô& u o ò Z ^ u' Z u u/ v À u v u v P u v s Ç P } } À P ' } } o À P s Ç P } } s Ç P } } s Ç P } } s Ç P } } s Ç P } }. U L @ p v X v ɂ Ẵy W ł B y 傫 T C Y z y T C Y z y22cm C225cm y i ` J W z y i ` z y i `.
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![Ceramic Abstracts 1970 Journal Of The American Ceramic Society Wiley Online Library](https://ceramics.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/cms/asset/4e6d1ff0-6f7d-44c9-a218-24b3682a750f/j.1151-2916.1970.tb11987a.x.fp.png)
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