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> µ î ð W h v µ v } ( o P o } µ Title math0b18w Author asalehigolsefidy Created Date 3/2/18 PM. 点 B () çº¿æ€§å‡½æ•°æ˜¯å‡½æ•°å›¾åƒ ä¸ºä¸€æ ¡ç›´çº¿çš„å‡½æ•°ã€‚ä¾‹å¦‚ï¼š ä½ çš„ä¹ é¢˜ï¼š è¿™æ˜¯æ–¹ç¨‹çš„å›¾åƒ Dein Browser unterstützt. Use the boundary conditions to solve for constants CC 1, 2, C 3 and C 4 w 0 0 w '0 0 wL 0 wL C 1 C 2 L C 3 sin KL C 4 cos KL 0 Substitute CC 1, 2 into the above expression wL '' 0 det> 0 KL cos KL sin KL 0 sin KL KL tan KL cos KL So the equation to solve in order to find P cr is tan KL KL 0 The smallest roots are KL 0and KL 449 , we choose KL 449.
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