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And L 1 = 1 1 n e i x 1 By NP lemma (Theorem 121), a critical region of size is obtained by solving the following equation for k = P L 0 L 1 kj 0 Now, we need to simplify the inequality in the above probability statement Note that, L 0 L 1 = 1 0 n e P X i 1 0 1 1 On taking the log on both sides of L 0 L 1 k, and simplifying it as a function of the su cient statistic, we have X X i 1. S l Ì v P } P u u P } Á v o } À v Z W l l Á Á Á X i v Ç P X l v o l À l Ì v P } P u u } î ó o î ì î í. µ o µ v P l v v Ì Z v À Ì Z Á v U v s r Á µ v P i } Z } Z v E Z Á µ o µ v P l v v Ì Z v.
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P 6 Q C 1 R S $ T U 0 V W X Y Z \ ^ 1 _ ‘ ab c d e f " g. F T Z U Z N # B O L m $ " 4 & O S B H P S B U B 1 B X P X T L B mBank–CASE Seminar Proceedings are a continuation of BRE–CASE Seminar Proceedings, which were first published as PBR–CASE Seminar. ,p p x q h 5 h v s r q v h d q g * x w % d f wh uld & k d q j h v d iwh u ( s r v x uh wr $ d g lud f k wd lq g lf d 6 d s lq g d oh v 0 h old f h d h 9 r od wloh v $ x wk r uv 1 x x h 0 h mtd * ulfh og d 9 d od g h / lud r vp $ * r p h ) or uh v 5 lfd ug r 5 r g utj x h 3 d g lood & ulvwlq d d q g 7d p h * x h uud 3 d wulfld 6 r x ufh ) or ulg d ( q wr p r or j lvw 3 x e olvk h.
í ^ i Z W l l Á Á Á X o Z v P X l o Æ l í ð ñ l l í ñ ó ó X Z u o î ^ i ( µ u À P v _ µ v ( v v v. 8 Foreword The 1st Applied Computational Palaeography Conference was held on December 1, 12 at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Informatics at the Budapest University of Technology and Economics The Organizing Committee of the conference Dr Erzsébet Zelliger (linguist, Associate Professor),. Department of Computer Science and Engineering University of Nevada, Reno Reno, NV 557 Email Qipingataolcom Website wwwcseunredu/~yanq I came to the US.
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06/11/15 · sd (PSSM ID ) Conserved Protein Domain Family 7WD40, The WD40 repeat is found in a number of eukaryotic proteins that cover a wide variety of functions including adaptor/regulatory modules in signal transduction, premRNA processing, and. D ˙ * e f g & h i j ˇ ˇ k l m n o p q r!. Z z z f h q wu d od y h q x h f k u \ v oh u mh h s f r p h h s wk h x q g lv s x wh g lq j r i wk h r ii u r d g d g y h q wx u h lq y lwh v \ r x wr f olp e lq wr wk h g u ly h u.
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