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For example, the space ℓ p (Z) is the space of all sequences indexed by the integers, and when defining the pnorm on such a space, one sums over all the integers The space ℓ p (n), where n is the set with n elements, is R n with its pnorm as defined above As any Hilbert space, every space L 2 is linearly isometric to a suitable ℓ 2 (I), where the cardinality of the set I is the. V31 é22 H2 Ø j ¦ ¿ u ° Ü G ¸ )3* 1 C ð è Â ¶ ¾ ¶ ù < 3 1 Ï 2 2 3 4 ¾ ) ¾ * 2 1 ¶ !. K L e 7 e V b J e 4 e V H g G H ` 4 X d M O l p L c L e ;.
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