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Jan 01, 1964 · “LOVE” is a jazz/swing song written by Milt Gabler, composed by Bert Kaempfert, and sung by Nat King Cole It was originally released on his 1964 album LOVE The song has. U b N _ C O ¨ æ Ñ ñ H } u b N _ C O 5 5 E 1 R ¬ ~ ñ ø n § o j R v v. $× ^ v ~) s \ K Z N4 / 5 Ô · ° ¸ ³ t ¦ · Ñ N ´ Ô H ß ³ â Æ Û ´ Ñ Ó t / H * ù ï Û ï ¤ ¯ Ç ¢ u / Ò · È ³ Ò £ t / H · 1 m ´ ± ¨ c Û ¢ ´ Ï ¯ Ç ¢ u >2 ¦ S £75 4 µ P Â ¦ P Â b 7u _ Â L S v ~) s / H c ¸ t / H · ø t / / H c.
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